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2023 Week 17 Schedule

This week is CURRENT

This was generated on 12/04/2023 and has 1 event:

  • Canada Gross Domestic Product (GDP) MoM (Fri 28/04/23 08:30 ET)

For events which are at the same time, it's only possible to trade one of them, so in those cases the ones with the highest c3 scores were chosen.

Color-coded borders

  • White: Events happening at the same time are grouped together so that one can be chosen.
  • Blue: Events that will be traded.
  • Green: Events that were traded and made profit
  • Red: Events that were traded and lost money
  • Gray: Events which are not traded e.g. when there's another event at the same time which is being traded
  • Black: Events which were set up to be traded but there was no trade, usually because the Forecast-Actual deviation wasn't large enough to activate any triggers


Canada Gross Domestic Product (GDP) MoM

Friday 28/4 @12:30 (GMT)

Friday 28/4 @08:30 (ET)


LTA: Buy

UTA: Sell


c3: 79.0
data pts: 24
dev: -0.1
lots/$1k: 1.53
lots: 3.0


c3: 86.7
data pts: 18
dev: -0.2
lots/$1k: 3.57
lots: 9.0


c3: 79.0
data pts: 24
dev: 0.1
lots/$1k: 1.53
lots: 3.0


c3: 86.7
data pts: 18
dev: 0.2
lots/$1k: 3.57
lots: 9.0